Let’s be honest! Everybody and their grandma is going natural, and it’s a trend that I don’t see ending anytime soon. Natural hair is in and here to stay! I love that, but that doesn’t mean that your journey towards natural locks will be like your friends or their friends, etc. Your journey will be a lot different and that’s ok.
Different Hair Textures
You and everyone you associate yourself with will have different textures! Let me point out it is not about skin tones either, although the photo above does show women with different skin tones. Skin tone does not associate hair type. But women with different skin tones can have a different hair type. The point is don’t go natural just because your friend does and you want your hair to look like hers. Go natural because it’s something you want to do.
All products may not work for you how they work for another natural. This goes along with we do not all have the same hair type. Although I do suggest if you do not feel like a product is working for you try making it work by adding an oil, etc. That deep conditioner that your friend can’t live without may not work as good as is does in your hair. It’s ok. Find out what does work through trial and error and embrace it. P.S. you cannot get pass trial and error.
You Big Chopped~ They transitioned
Girl, stop!
We all know by now the difference with big chop i.e. cutting all your relaxed ends off and transitioning i.e. cutting your relaxed ends slowly. Some naturals become confused when they see another natural who big chopped last week and their curls are already poppin’. You, however, transitioned and are dealing with the different texture blues. You think your hair will never get to where you want it. It’s a process whether you big chopped or transitioned. If all else fails see number one again.
You are You
lol so true
This might sound so cliché but so what because it’s true. You are who you are. Your hair journey will not be like anyone else’s. It just won’t be and you have to be okay with that. You have to know that your hair will grow if its taken care of. Yes, some days you will have curl envy but at the end of the day you must accept what’s yours. Hey, somebody is even envious of your hair! So love what God gave you and rock it!
Did you find that this post was helpful? Let me know in the comments!

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of NaturallyNex.com. She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. NaturallyNex.com was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.