Continuing to date
What girl doesn’t love going on a date or just being dated the right way? Especially if it’s with someone you really want to get to know more or just really like. Well, sometimes in our long-term relationships whether married, or you have been dating your significant other for years, we forget to date. If I’m being real, I have been married for almost 2 years and this Sunday (Feb. 28th) will be our 4 anniversary of dating. I do forget all the time that we should continue dating. He doesn’t. lol Here are some ideas to continuing dating:
Square One
Go back to square one, which is where it all started. 4 years ago I met my husband on set of a movie that we both didn’t want to be on, but had to, due to money issues. During this time we talked all day long (mainly because we were on set for 12+ hrs) even when we left the set. We were always talking, and I loved this. It’s easy to forget to communicate when life starts picking up. There’s work, school, activities, kids, pets, etc. Are we forgetting to communicate with our spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends? Go back to square one.
Going to a new restaurant
My husband and I love to eat! We love to try new restaurants around our city and just go on a date. Most of the time he calls ahead and makes a reservation and then we go. It doesn’t have to be an expensive place, sometimes we will just go to Panera Bread for a chicken wrap. The thing that matters is the meal we are sharing, and the time we are taking out to enjoy it with each other.
Watching a new television show
TV is so big for my husband and I love my Thursday night shows (TGIT) and he loves everything lol. We are both big on sporting events so that’s never been a problem, we can enjoy each others company to that. But the thing that brings us most together is a new television series we can watch together and enjoy. Some of our favorites are Girls, Game of Thrones, and House of Lies. There is nothing like sharing good quality time at home over a good show. Watch something that you would never think you would be interested in. Something that your significant other does. Try it.
It’s the simple things.
“Enjoy the little things in Life for one day you may realize they were the BIG things.”
Let me know in the comments how you are continuing to date.

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.