6 ways to Spring Into your Natural Hair Regimen

Natural Hair Regimen

Although we are still very much in the winter season, spring is right around the corner! This means swimsuits, vacations, and of course your springtime hair care regimen. In each season, your natural hair regimen should change because of the moisture or lack thereof in the air. The question is how do we keep our natural hair moisturized while doing all those springtime activities.


Here are 6 tips to spring into your natural hair regimen:


Go for a Clarifying Shampoo

During the winter, I rarely used shampoo unless it is bentonite clay. But during the Spring, swimming is one my favorite activities to do, and it happens a lot. If you are a swimmer, it is important to prepare your natural hair before swimming. Wet your hair and apply conditioner BEFORE swimming. Then wash it out and apply a swimming cap. Once finished swimming, grab your favorite clarifying shampoo applying it from your roots to your ends. This clarifying shampoo will cleanse and protect your hair from the elements e.g chloride and other harmful chemicals.


Deep Condition/ Hot Oil Treatment

Deep Conditioning is always a stable in my springtime regimen, really all the seasons, but Spring is a great time to apply a moisturizing deep conditioner or hot oil treatment at least once a week.


Humectants are your best friend

Humectants are great! Especially if you live in a humid climate like I do. It gets really humid in Louisiana so most products with Glycerin, Castor Oil, Propylene Glycol, and honey should be used. The Humectants in these products provide for healthier/shinier hair by bringing the moisture from the humidity in the air to the strands.

Note: If you live in drier climates such as Las Vegas, Humectants are not so good for your natural hair during Spring/Summer. It’s best to stick to lighter products. Humectants in these climates will pull the moisture out of your strands.


LCO or LOC Method

Liquid, Cream, Oil OR Liquid, Oil, Cream, whichever one you are using make sure you are sealing with an oil. For moisture to be kept in your natural hair it is important to add the moisture and follow-up with a sealant (coconut oil, shea butter, etc).


Taking Care of your hair from the inside out

Watching what you eat and drink during any season is important, but during the Spring our bodies can become very dehydrated, especially if we aren’t drinking enough water. So drink up! Drinking water is what keeps your hair thriving!


Try different hairstyles

I don’t know about you but Spring is my favorite time to try something new to my hair. The Winter is all about protective styling. This Spring why not try that wash-n-no that you have been wanting to turn into a GO.  This is my favorite to try in the Spring.


Let me know what new products you will try this season!


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    • NaturallyNex
      March 4, 2016 / 1:33 am

      Thank you! Let me know how these tips help! 🙂