We’re almost to the end of the year and I can’t believe it. I’m excited because 2017 hasn’t been the best year for my personality or goals wise either. I’ve been thinking a lot about the goals I want to accomplish in 2018. I’m tired of going through the motions and sitting back and letting everyone else win. It’s time to be unapologetic about every decision that I make for MY life. I believe that I’m definitely getting to the point where I don’t care what anyone thinks and it’s so freeing. I want so much in this upcoming year and not just for myself, but for you as well, so shut up and write it down!
It’s Therapy
That was kind of harsh, no? lol Well, that’s the kind of year I’m having. No, I’m just kidding. But I’ve learned that writing things down is so therapeutic. It’s why I started this blog. I love to write content that is helpful and leads towards something bigger than myself. There’s something different about putting pen to paper and just seeing it written down that makes you want to accomplish what’s written. So, I challenge you to write your goals down now, before 2017 is over, so that going into this New Year you’ll be held responsible in a way.
“Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines”
Have you ever heard of using the same pen that you’ve studied with while actually taking the test? I’m not sure if that works but I know for a fact that writing my goals down has produced results. Maybe not as quickly as I wanted or thought I should’ve accomplished them, but it has happened. As I said writing your goals down holds you accountable and in turn, makes you see the bigger picture. I don’t know about you but I’m the type of person who has so much that runs through my mind on a daily basis that I need to write things down or I’ll forget. I admit that I’ve always hated lists. Although I’ve grown to love lists because the idea of crossing something off the list that’s satisfying that I want to keep going.
“Goals that aren’t written down are just wishes.”
Mustard seed Goals
Big or small I write it down. At the end of 2016, I wrote down that I wanted/deserved a new car at least by the end of 2017. In September of 2017,I was able to buy my first car on my own. This was one of the biggest accomplishments that have happened in my life. Why? Because I saw a vision of something I wanted, wrote it down, and then worked to achieve it. Good Friends are far and few to come across these days, so I wrote down again last year that I wanted to be new trustworthy friends, it’s happening! I’m not saying that any of these happens overnight because it took a year for those things come to fruition but it’s worth it! Write it down. Work actively towards it. Be consistent. I promise you that it will come to pass. So, shut up! And write it down!
I hope each and every one of you has a goal come true before this year ends! Peace X Blessings ~ Kineatra

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of NaturallyNex.com. She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. NaturallyNex.com was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.