Which is healthier? Which is more manageable? If you have asked, or are currently asking yourself these questions regarding your hair stay tuned. This is a long one but worthwhile.
Many people want to experience their natural hair texture do not know where to begin. All that is known is that they are tired of going to a stylist every 2 weeks for a relaxer. Just the thought of myself going to a beautician every 2 weeks and spending $50 or more each visit has me mind boggled. As a child I hated having my natural hair combed, mostly because my mom would comb or brush everything BUT my hair. Ya’ll don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. lol. My forehead and ears would hurt and by the time she actually reached my hair, I had enough.
I have found that the public is very uneducated about the topic of both natural and relaxed hair. With relaxed hair it seems very simple the process of putting a relaxer on your hair and the end result being straight flowing hair. Easy, right? Not so, easy. I believed growing up there were 2 different hair techiques that could be done to my hair, pressing or relaxer. Why? Because that is all I saw. I didn’t see many people wearing their naturally curly, wavy, kinky, or coily hair. It was just how it was done; therefore, this is why I say the public is very uneducated about the topic of natural and relaxed hair. Also, many people do not understand what they are putting onto the hair shaft, much less their bodies.
For example relaxers have two different lyes that are used to straighten your tresses. There is the no lye relaxer and the lye relaxer, so which is more damaging to your hair? Both are, but here is what each of the relaxers create in your hair.
Lye Relaxers
The main ingredient involved in this type of relaxer is known as Sodium Hydroxide, which a caustic chemical known for its “burning” sensation. This type of chemical has been used in science project to blow up materials, and it is also used in drain cleaners to burn off the clogged mess. In the hair this relaxer is known to work quickly to break down the bonds of your roots ultimately causing them to “relax” or straighten. This relaxer is left on your hair for a specific amount of time, and can be washed out quickly due to the chemical working quickly.
No Lye relaxers
The main ingredient within this relaxer is known as Calcium Hydroxide. The pH levels of no lye relaxers are known to be lower than lye relaxers; therefore, putting the no lye relaxer would cause less of the “burning” sensation that is associated with the lye relaxers. The calcium contained in the relaxer leaves the hair dry and dull due to over-processing. This relaxer cannot and should not be left on the hair too long.
The main point I am trying to make is that both relaxers cause a chemical to be manually put into your hair, causing it to break down components of the hair follicles to straighten. This can cause permanent damage to your hair. It is best advised that if you are thinking about getting a relaxer to see a professional hair stylist; it is essential that you do not try to put a relaxer in on your own. Also, having options on multiple professionals to choose from is ideal. Ask questions, and expect replies and detailed answers. Remember this your hair do as you choose but weigh every possible option.
- Breakage
Relaxers are chemical treatments that cause the hair shaft to weakened ultimately causing upward breakage. (no length retained)
- $$$$
The amount spent a week or however often you plan to get a relaxer can be expensive. Previously stated, I spent at least $50 every two weeks getting a relaxer done.
- Chemicals
Already stated, but why not repeat again. The lye chemicals are being put into your hair and possibly into your body without knowledge or education.
- Little to no breakage
With the correct hair care regimen little to no breakage. Sometimes just taking care of your hair is enough to equate to healthy hair.
- Less time spent on styling hair
If you have relaxed hair there will be less time spent on combing or brushing your hair, of course depending on what style you choose.
- Amount of time spent on hair styling
Washing, Conditioning, Deep Conditioning, Protein Treatments, Hot Oil Treatments, etc. can be very time consuming.
- Detangling
Detangling on either wet or dry hair may cause over-manipulation to your strains.
- $$$ Cost of regimen
For those naturalistas who are product junkies and just want to try every new product that comes out, this can leave your pockets empty!
- Healthier, fuller hair
Your natural hair will become fuller and healthier if you have a great hair care regimen and are taking care of your strands.
- No chemical to harm your internal or external body
You won’t have to worry about any harmful chemicals that are used in relaxers.
- Cost effective
Going natural can also be very cost effective because you can DIY products instead of buying them in the store.
- Less breakage
Depending on your hair care regimen, you will notice less breakage.
- Less styling
Protective styling is great! The more you leave your hair alone the less manipulation that can be done.
- It’s who you are
Whether Kinky, Curly, or Coily your natural should be celebrated! Because it’s who you are.
You see, both processed and natural hair have their pros and cons. It is up to you to determine what works best for you. There is a myth that natural hair can grow faster than relaxed. In my case this was true, but only because I did not take care of my hair from the inside out. Who am I kidding?! I did not take care of my relaxed hair on the outside either. Your hair care regimen is very important to maintaining healthy hair whether chemically treated or not. The most important aspect whether relaxed or natural is education.
Are you team relaxed or team natural?

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of NaturallyNex.com. She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. NaturallyNex.com was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.