Here it was October 5th, 2017, and I had to catch plane again by myself. Getting on an airplane really isn’t a big deal for me, I actually like flying. This year I’ve been on an airplane numerous times but only with family. Around this time last year (Nov. 6th) I was on a returning flight from ( Blogalcious), only to find that my now ex husband had walked out on me. So, let’s just say I had a little PTSD moment of going to the same conference again, getting on the plane, and then getting off to find my world turned upside down. But I got on the plane and returned once again. Here’s what I learned in the midst of it all.
Make yourself move
Fear is crippling. I’ve learned that in about everything I want to do or don’t want to do in life. Fear will keep you from doing the most amazing things. A day before the trip I didn’t want to go. I texted my sisters’ and told them that I couldn’t make it. All those feelings of abandonment were coming back. I didn’t want to go to the airport but I made myself get up and drive. When I got there it was like everything and everyone was moving in slow motion. This may sound dramatic but when you’ve experienced such a traumatic experience as I had, those feelings are real. I made myself get on the plane, and I didn’t look back. I’ve learned to get out of my own way. That the most uncomfortable/scariest moments turn out to be the most rewarding. So, GET UP and GO.
Quality over Quantity
This was supposed to be a business trip for my blog but also a vacation. My trip was cut short by 3 days! I literally went there on Thursday and came back Friday night. All because a hurricane threatened my hometown and I left my dog (my baby) in my house alone, so worried- I headed back home. The funny thing is that everything and everyone I wanted to see I saw on the first day. While on an elevator I met one of the brands I wanted to discuss business with and we made a great connection. This was divine intervention. Every speaker I wanted to hear happened to be on Friday morning/Afternoon as well. The moral of the story is that although I didn’t get to stay the whole conference, the quality of the trip far suppressed the quantity. I got some great gems and swag to take home.
What’s meant to be will be
I’m a true believer in fate. So, what’s meant to be will happen and what’s not wasn’t meant for me. I could’ve been in Miami for the whole conference and not ran into that brand on the elevator. Looking back I’m glad I came home. The hurricane never was, and I learned how protected and blessed I really am. You see, things change, people most definitely change, but faith doesn’t. If you’re in a place right now where you have to make a decision, big or small, keep the faith and move forward. Just know maybe, just maybe things turned out how they were meant to.
Remember you only have been given one life to live! So live it unapologetically and take the leap of faith!!

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.