I’m back to talk about #naturalhair. It’s been a minute because I haven’t been taking care of my hair like I did in the past. I’ve been trying out multiple different products and haven’t had a consistent regimen for as long as I can remember. When I do have time to focus on my hair there is constant manipulation going on. Between working a 9-5, taking care of a dog, eating, and making sure I text people back, my hair has been the last of my priorities. Hence the topic of why I desperately need to go back to the basics. Here’s what going back to the basics means for my natural hair..
Clay Washing
I started clay washing years ago I even created a recipe for it years ago, if you’re interested check it out here. I’m still using the same exact clay (Bentonite) and I often substitute my essential oils. Also, if I don’t have Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) I’ll use water it still works the same. This clay wash is a game changer! If your scalp is dry (clay wash), if your curls aren’t poppin’ (clay wash), if your boyfriend left you (throw clay wash at him) lol I just kidding. But seriously, you can use clay washing for lots of things with your natural hair. Especially a detox if you’ve been using a lot of gels or other heavier products. Personally, I’ve been replacing shampoo with clay wash once a week then following up with the rest of my regimen. Try it!
Finger detangling
Like I stated above, I’ve caused a lot of manipulation to my hair strands through using hair tools (denman brush, wide tooth comb)for about over a year now. Because of this I’ve noticed that the integrity of my hair has thinned tremendously. It’s become so much, honestly, who has time to always finger detangle. Well, sis, me, I have time for it now. I want the fullness of my hair back and finger detangling with the occasional use of hair tools is what it’s going to take. Here’s what I do: grab some your favorite deep conditioner on wet hair…( mine currently is Mane Choice’s Halo deep conditioner) and gently move your fingers down the hair shaft to separate any tangles or knots. Works like magic!
More water, please
Everyone has been on a drink more water and mind your business wave- so I’m here to tell you that everyone is right. lol. Back to the basics for me means increasing my water intake to almost a gallon a day. Sounds like a lot but once you’ve mastered this there’s no looking back. Set reminds using apps such as plant nanny, which will remind you to drink more water throughout the day. Remember maintaining the health of our hair starts from the inside. Drink more water (yes, you’ll have to pee a lot).
Shea butter and a leave in
Looking through past pictures of my hair being shiny with less frizz made me wonder why my twist outs have been looking like trash. Simply because I started putting any (every) product in my hair. I wanted to try this gel, that “twist out butter”, that flake-leaving leave-in. lol it became a mess! Don’t think I’m not going to show ya’ll my shea butter recipes one of my favorites is my lavender whipped shea butter. Try either one of those and eliminate or add whatever you’d like. Instead of just using shea butter like in the past, I incorporate one of my favorite leave ins, which is the Mielle Organics pomegranate and honey. Makes sure whichever leave-in used mixes well with the shea butter. Test it out by mixing a little of each in the palm of your hand before applying to your hair.

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After about 3 weeks of trying this back to the basics method, I’ve seen improvements. There’s still a ways to go to get completely back to where I was but hey, progress, is progress. So, lets going go get back on this journey together. Let me know below if you want to go back to the basics of healthy hair and what do you do to keep your hair at its healthiest.

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of NaturallyNex.com. She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. NaturallyNex.com was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.