Seat at the Table
So, if you haven’t heard Solange’s new album #seatatthetable then you’ve been living under a rock. Seriously, go to iTunes now and invest in it. It’s only one of the realest albums this year! And guess what? I was a part of it! No, I wasn’t in it (although her husband asked me if I was auditioning (I said no-cringe-the lord is working with me lol). I was apart of casting!
It was so rainy this day of filming for “Don’t touch my hair”
Listen. My sister is a casting director and has worked on a few projects with Alan Ferguson before, but I didn’t care to help. Crazy, right? Well, I have my reasons of why I didn’t but I’m SO glad I did. Not because Solange’s album has reached #1 on the billboard charts but because I saw her create “Seat at the Table.” Like I got to witness her freestyle everything, and it was nothing more than black girl magic.
click to expand
Black Love
It was real. She is real. She is a genuine creator, and I loved that I was able to witness it. One of the best parts of this whole experience was helping her husband (Alan) create what Solange wanted. Black love is so real, and their love is genuine. He wanted to give her the world. Whatever she wanted. Honestly, I was there to be of help any way that I could’ve because I saw how much he loved her.
This was my first time in a big casting project and working with a celebrity at that. It was a fun, enjoyable, and hard experience. Hard because Solange wanted what she wanted, but I can’t blame her. Her mind works in the most creative-particular way. Did I tell you, she’s black girl magic!
Private Album party-Seat at the table
Not only has her album reached #1, now people can see she’s her own person, she can write/sing beautifully, and that she is brilliant. I’m soooo excited I helped with this project and I’m genuinely grateful to have been apart of it.
Last week we were invited to her private album party and to say that I gained, even more respect, for her than before, is an understatement. She true to her album, herself, and others.
Rehearsals (models we casted)
Solange- Thank you for teaching me to keep creating even when things don’t make sense at the moment. Thank you for creating #seatatthetable and I hope that people (black people, white people, and all other ethnicities understand why you created “Seat at the Table.”
Alan- You’re so humble, loving, and kind! I truly hope that we get to meet/work together again, and I’m grateful to have helped with casting.
To my sister KeShuna– You’re black girl magic too! Keep showing the world what you’re made of. This is what you’re made to do.
My sister will some of the models were casted
Keshuna, Lakesha, and Kineata (Casting director/ Casting assistants)
What’s your favorite song off the album?

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.