Love is Medicine

Britt Smith Photography, New Orleans Photographer, Metairie Photographer, Naturally Nex

I know. I know. You’re thinking this blog post is about someone falling in love with a college sweetheart and how they’re still together with 2 1/2 babies and a Labrador retriever. Nah. So sorry to disappoint. This post in its entirety isn’t about that does touch a tiny bit on relational love.

I don’t know about you but this pandemic- I mean both. The virus that has killed over 100,000 people in the US, also the virus that has plagued for over 400 years- Racism. As for the Coronavirus, as stated thousands of people have succumbed to this disease and if you’re like me, you are still quarantined and haven’t seen people for months. This virus has changed us. We’re not going back to normal and I’m okay with that. I thrive off of evolution because change brings on growth. I’m someone who doesn’t like doing the same thing day to day. Corona has forced us to look deeply within ourselves and find love. If you don’t feel like this…that’s okay, I’m not speaking to you but for those who do, please keep reading. What is your definition of love? When I google L-O-V-E this is what I find:

“An intense feeling of deep affection”

Britt Smith Photography, New Orleans Photographer, Metairie Photographer, Naturally Nex

Hm. I guess love does require deep affection but I ask again, what does love mean to you? To me, love is self-care. Love makes the world better. Love is medicine. I watched this docu-series about a month ago titled, “Love is medicine.” When I tell you I was blown away that would be an understatement. Initially, I assumed just like most would, I’m not interested in google’s definition of love! Ugh, honestly I’m good on that. To my surprise, this docuseries dug deeply on loving our bodies and not just the external parts but the internal parts.

I am…

What are we putting into our bodies? Are we consuming the right foods…Are we around the right environments (friends, tv, music, etc)…these aspects all are questions to ask yourself to find our medicine, which is love. We are the key to avoiding all illnesses like this virus and we can create resilience. I try to always voice positive self talk but this series really got into it because I typically say I’m going to be great! Well, I’ve been wrong. It stated that we shouldn’t say, “I’m going to be healthy but rather that I AM HEALTHY (even when you’re not). This sounds so simple and maybe it’s some BS to a few, but hey, I’m here for it! Of course it continued to speak on that we are who we surround ourselves with. I’ve learned from this pandemic that I didn’t like being around some people. That I don’t like talking on the phone. And it’s okay because no one is going to make me. Let’s all change our mindsets. Now to talk about the other virus…


I’m definitely not what you call an “activist” by any means but I’m black (if you can’t tell from the pictures), so I’ve experienced racism my entire life. It is happening and it will continue to happen, sadly, but I do feel different this time. Yes, racism is more prevalent since the current man in office is stupid (sorry I can’t even think of any other word to describe him right now). When I say I feel different, I mean I feel a change is on the rise because of how my white friends and/or acquaintances are speaking out. I’m thankful for that because we need our white allies to talk to their race and point out wrongdoings. This is the only way change occurs. So, am I confident that racism will end? No, but am I encouraged that love is the way to bring about change? YES. Love isn’t a fairy tale it is a necessity. Love is the medicine that keeps us healthy and if we go without it we become sick. Racism is a sickness that should be cured. It can only be cured with love. So, if you’re reading this do you have love? Because in fact, I’ve found that it is the only thing that I know never fails. Find it.

Love is patient. Love is kind.

Britt Smith Photography, New Orleans Photographer, Metairie Photographer, Naturally Nex

Thanks for reading. I hope that if anything you will encouraged that a change is coming and hopefully you realize that it’s found within.




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1 Comment

  1. June 25, 2020 / 6:51 pm

    Loved the post Kin! Love is most definitely the medicine this world needs right now.