So you know how most naturals don’t go to the hair salon because, well, they are afraid the stylist will jack up their hair? I haven’t been one of the people (inside side eye). For the last 2 years (since getting married) I stopped putting heat to my hair and that was the main reason I went to a stylist. Also, I wanted to learn how to style my own hair, and embrace my natural texture. I’m so glad I did. My hair has grown tremendously since I haven’t straightened it in 2 years and it’s healthier. But that still didn’t mean I wanted anyone else touching my hair, well, until now.
Strawberri Curls
I met Gabrielle at the Solange party back in October. I knew of her because she previously asked me to be her brand ambassador via Instagram. When she saw me at the party she was like I love your hair (she didn’t know who I was Ha!). We talked and this is where I am now. I trusted her to be the first person to touch my hair in 2 years. Why? Because she has natural hair, she specialized in doing natural hair, and because she’s natural. Seriously.
Pick someone who knows your hair
I can’t stress this enough pick a stylist who specializes in natural hair. Listen. Not everyone who says they style natural hair really does. You have to do your research. Seriously, I went to a stylist about 4 years ago “that specialized in natural hair”, and lets just say she didn’t know how to handle my hair. At all. I was embarrassed, she made me feel like something was wrong with my hair. No. She just didn’t know how to style my hair. So, please do your research, ask around, and do more research to find a real natural hair stylist.
I’m so particular
If you’ve never had your hair messed up from a stylist before, congrats, but I have! This was both during the relaxer stages and natural stage, so I’m particular on who touches my hair. I trusted Gabrielle (strawberricurls) but hey, I was be nervous. Check out my Instagram (Naturally_Nex to see how nervous I was). No-one has touched my hair in 2 years!
Scalp Detox
This is when I knew I messed up HA!
I messed up
Before going to Gabrielle I hadn’t washed my hair in 2 weeks, hair needed a trim, and I’d been doing continuous wash and goes. Oh! And my hair is long and super thick. Let’s just say she was like really- why?! Haha It took about 5-6 hours to do my hair. Sooooo long. I was thinking why am I here again? Lawd. lol. If I’m honest I wanted it to end. It was too long, and I was just over it. But in her defense, she wasn’t used to my hair and I messed up by not properly doing my hair in a couple of weeks. So don’t be like me. Properly follow your regimen before going to a stylist they aren’t God. They can’t do miracles. lol
Good experience
If you living in New Orleans (surrounding) then I definitely suggest Gabrielle (strawberricurls). She located at Tribute Salon in Gentilly, Louisiana and you can book her here. For 10% off mention my name, Kineatra or NaturallyNex.
This is a fake smile LOL get me from under this dryer!
Head over to my Facebook page to see the results of the twist and curl here.
Tell me below when the last time you went to a hair salon. How was your experience?!

Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.