7 types of friends you don’t need in 2016

7 types of friends

Life can be so stressful because of work, children, and husband and the thought of having anything out of these things is, well, annoying. But it is healthy to have other relationships outside of your family and sometimes you need that girl time or try something new.


Healthy friendships can be very hard to come by and if you are like me, you don’t want to “fake” a friendship. Maintaining a loving social life can be great as long as you stay away from this 5 types of friends.

The Saturday Night Friend


This girl loves to go out to the club to drink and dance on Saturday night. She’s fun, she’s spontaneous, and most importantly she wants a good time. Who doesn’t love a good time? But when Monday comes around or anytime during the week, where you want to go to the movies, or just have a chill evening at home. She’s nowhere to be found. Fine, the occasional Saturday where you want to get out the house is great, but in the long run who just wants a Saturday night Friend? Not me. Get rid of this friend.


Sometime- Sometimey Friend


This girl is down for anything at anytime. She loves to go for drinks, shopping, and even just to chill. You love hanging out. The only problem is she wants to hang when she wants to. You have her number, but she calls you. You call her and its voicemail or text and receive an answer 6 days later. For goodness sake you want to do something with her when you want to! Girl, she ain’t for you (yes, I said that right). SHE AIN’T FOR YOU.



The Talkative Friend


I hate to say this because I have multiple talkative friends. But she is killing your vibe. She is the friend who only talks about her issues and you cannot get one dang word in. She talks at least 2 hours about how Johnny isn’t paying attention or how her mom just doesn’t understand. If you are like “Butttt…Iiiii…weeee” for the duration of the conversation, let this friend go! It’s 2016 your thoughts matter too.


The corn-FLAKE Friend


We all have them. This girl plans everything. She is dying to get together! Lets go to the mall Friday at 7:55pm and at 8:00pm we are going to go to eat at Applebee’s. You agree to wherever she wants to go via email or text. You are excited. Friday night comes along its 7:50pm, you haven’t heard from her. You call and you are automatically sent to voicemail or she isn’t answering your emails. A few weeks pass by, your inbox is full with messages from her apologizing saying sorry but this or that came up (She was busy). Here she goes again making plans (rain check). You start thinking something is wrong with you. (Nothing is wrong with you). Throw the deuce up to this fake-flake friend and find your friends who can make time for you.


The Moocher



Helping people is my specialty. There is no greater satisfaction than helping someone in need. Until they take it for granted. We have all hear of, “Don’t take my kindness as a weakness.” I have used this plenty of times, yet “friends” keep doing it. Welp, these are not your friends. This friend needs money every other week. Or she wants to borrow your new Burberry bag and give it back 2 months later. This becomes a freaking nightmare because you end up broke and your purse is returned damaged. You are not Chase or Macy’s move on from this mooch.


The Pop Up Friend


This friend reminds me of the “Jack in the Box” effect. Why? Because they are constantly popping in and out of your life. This is the friend that has stopped talking to you for months on end. Yet something goes left in their life, whether it is a breakup or a painful situation that has happened, here they are calling you. This friend is here to get you on their pity train, which will leave you drained. Let them off at the next stop.


The Petty Friend



This girl is here for the drama.  She doesn’t want to miss a thing. The activities she enjoys varies from wanting to hear somebody failed the biggest test they need to pass to you not giving her back her ¢2. She thrives off of what happens next even if it isn’t happening to her. You need to ditch this friend.



Let me know in the comments if you have any of these types of friends!



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  1. April 5, 2016 / 1:49 pm

    My circle is very small but I’m trying to be more open

    • NaturallyNex
      April 5, 2016 / 3:42 pm

      Hi Tomiko! There is nothing wrong with a small circle. Mine is very small, but also nothing is wrong with being more open to new friendships as well 🙂 As long as you are getting what you need out of the friendship.