Fight Frizz
With the seasons changing from warm to cold, this can wreck havoc on your mane. Most of the time natural hair has a mind of its own no matter what the weather is. Frizzy hair is bound to happen whether we like it or not, BUT there are some ways to limit it. Here are 10 ways to fight frizz according to You Be-Natural:
Pre-pooing is when you apply oil or conditioner with plastic caps to your hair prior to shampooing. It can be a great treatment to loosen those knots and tangles. This process penetrates the hair shaft, to help retain moisture.
Incorporate Moisture/protein
Moisture is the key to help fight frizz as well as to keep your natural hair healthy. You Be-Natural suggests incorporating moisture with protein treatments weekly to help fill in gaps in the cuticle of the hair as well as build elasticity.
Deep Condition
Deep conditioning your natural hair is a huge asset for having a healthy hair care regimen. The longer the deep conditioning treatment is used the faster it can penetrate your hair shaft to strengthen your strands. Deep condition however often as you like; You Be-natural suggests to deep condition at least once a month after every shampoo.
When rinsing deep conditioners or conditioners out of your hair using cool or cold water helps to seal the hair cuticle. The intial shock of the cold water can be uncomfortable, but this helps limit frizz as well as lock in moisture.
Try henna
Henna is a clear semi-permanent color or rinse that is applied every 4-8 weeks. This process typical acts as a protein treatment by strengthen the strands. The colors of the treatment will create a protective barrier by bonding with the keratin in the hair to seal the cuticle.
Apply a Leave-in
Applying a leave-in conditioner that has de-frizzing properties after you have shampooed and conditioned. You Be-Natural suggest using their You Be-Natural Smoothing & Defrizzing Creme.
Twist out Savvy
Twists out can be perfect or an epic fail depending on the products used. In order to keep your twist out moisturized without frizzing, using product that are heavy enough to seal the cuticle is suggested. Also, allow your twist outs or braids to dry completely before taking them out, otherwise the moisture left will cause frizz.
Dry Time
Allowing the hair to dry completely after creating a style is essential to limiting frizz. Also, try to avoid using towels, which causes friction as well as frizz. Instead use an old cotton s-shirt.
Layer Products
When styling your hair whether through a wash and go, twist out, or braid out it is important to layer your products. Section off your hair in small sections then use the LOC method (Liquid, Oil, Cream) helps to combat frizz. Let your hair completely dry before going outside. You Be-Natural suggests using their Moisture-Lock Curl Lotion, Soft Curls Curling Creme and Defrizz Define & Shine Serum.
Natural hair is very versatile, so if you hair is frizzy one day you can always have the option of wearing buns, protective styles (weaves, wigs, braids), or wear a cute silk hair scarf.
Hope you have found this 10 ways to fight frizz fast helpful! Let me know if you have tried any of tips, below!
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Kineatra Jones, MS founder & editor of She has a passion for educating women on all things natural: hair, beauty, and life. was created in August 2015 to share and connect with women who have a passion for natural hair and beauty. Overtime NaturallyNex has evolved into a beauty, lifestyle, and entertainment blog. Kineatra is focused on discussing natural hair, beauty, fashion, and travel as well as providing encouragement to others.